Wednesday, October 8, 2008

New York/Boston

As many know Jared goes to school out in Boston every 6 weeks, and this time Jared's brothers met him out in New York a couple of days before to have a bachelor weekend for Paul. They went out their primarily for the Yankees game! But on the way they ran into the friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Tyler was so excited. As most know Tyler is his number one fan! Here is the guys at yankee stadium just 2 days before it closed its doors.

This is Jareds Carnagie Deli sandwich. Can you believe that is the bread on the top. A little rediculous if you ask me. But i guess for men the more meat the better, right?

Jared had a busy trip when he got back to Boston, he and his school buddies went to a Patriots game against the dolphins. (Which by the way they got thier butts whipped). And a couple of days later they went to a sox game. (is that the team in boston? I have no idea) but I dont have any pics of that. But seriously what a lucky bum!
This is school building on campus. Pretty huh!

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